It should be stated that an underlying assumption is that the games from 1994 through 2013 reflect characteristic future scoring in professional football. A study could be made to determine whether there is a trend towards higher scoring or more fist quarter touchdowns, for instance. As I make random selections as to what previous football games I include, my simulation would not reflect those trends. For a specific game, you might be more precise by simulating the scoring trends of those particular teams.
The simulation is a self-written program in VB6 where I fill in squares assigning them to one of 26 players, named by a single letter, A-Z. I enter a number of games that I wish to simulate and then "Begin Sim." For each simulated game, I use random numbers to pick one of the 5220 historical game scores and then to assign a random order to the numbers 0-9 to be assigned to the rows and columns. I look in detail at the 60 unique ways a player can select up to 5 squares. Thus, the simulation samples a total combination of 4,124,276,932,608,000,000 possibilities (that's over 4 quintillion (4 billion billion): 10!x10!x5220x60). I then tabulate the number of winning scores for each of players and calculate additional statistics. Below is a screen output of an earlier version of my simulation program.
In the upper left, you see the 10 x 10 grid with a player (A-Z) assigned to squares and a few squares left blank. Also, each row and column is assigned a random order of the numbers 0-9. Below the grid is the "Begin Sim" button that starts the simulation where the Num(Sim), in this case, started at 10,000,000 and now reflects "-1: indicating the simulation is finished. I wrote my program so that I can clear and load different configurations of which squares are selected. On the display is the most recently run simulation which happened to pick a Packers vs Jets game from week 1 of the 2000 season. The Packers were the home team and had Q1-FS scores of 7, 10, 13, and 16 and thus winning row numbers of 7, 0, 3, and 6 and the Jets - Q1-FS scores of 7, 10, 10, and 20 - gave winning column numbers 7, 0, 0, 0. Thus, for this simulation, the winning (row, colum) were labeled with numbers (7,7)=Player G, (0,0)=Player J, (3,0)=Player M, and (6,0)=Player J. In the boxes on the right are some of the tabulated statistics. For each player, I record the number of squares won, and the number of simulations that player won two, three, or all four squares. In the example game, Player J won twice and so the number was incremented to 170854 in the second column.
One detail, to my surprise, was an issue - the built-in RANDOMIZE and RND random number generator in VB6 were not sufficiently random and I observed consistent 1-2% variations in the squares won by players in repeated simulations when I expect no variations due to their symmetrical placement on the grid. I was forced to use system level calls to generate my own random numbers from built-in cryptology system algorithms (CryptGenRandom). This function returns random bytes with some computational overhead. I modified my code to be efficient at using the bits within the random bytes. My simulation time decreased about a factor of 10 after optimizing the use of the random bits. A large simulation with 100 million trials takes around 10 hours on a modest personal computer with an i5-3570 CPU.
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